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July 1, 2022


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nevertoomany·HighGradeAid·1051d65 reviews
I'm finding this to be a great daytime smoke...nice uplifting buzz that leaves you pretty functional. I do find if you smoke too much it'll hit pretty hard and i want to hit the couch though lol. Had some nice chunky, spongy texture buds in the bag. Nose is gassy cookies with a little swe...
nevertoomany·BCMedichronic·1102d65 reviews
This was a free sample provided for review. Frosty, great colors, nice dense little 1gr nug. Not a super loud nose and quite dry but i find that pretty common with 1gr bags...dries out quickly. Not a ton of flavor but it's there and it's nice. Effects are great, quite potent and gives a ...
nevertoomany·OnlyGas·1105d65 reviews
Really happy with this batch of Animal Face from Onlygas, no complaints. Not a super loud nose but it's still got a very nice earthy dank nose to it with a little hint of that sweet dough/cookie to as well. Moisture leve is on point, sticky but not wet. Burns nice and clean light grey ash wit...
nevertoomany·OnlyGas·1175d65 reviews
Pretty classic PK here, nothing exotic or unexpected but that's exactly what I want if I'm getting PK lol. This has the nose, the taste, the heavy eyed indica effects I expected. Nice sticky buds, maybe a bit scraggly if anything but not bad at all. Great value I'll probably pick this u...
nevertoomany·OnlyGas·1177d65 reviews
Another excellent strain picked up during their black friday sale. Wonderful colorful super frosty buds with a nice crispy but sticky moisture. Nose is a sweet gassy smell that really comes out when buds are busted up. I don't find the flavor comes through all that much on the smoke, it's...
nevertoomany·OnlyGas·1182d65 reviews
Picked this up during their black friday sale and very happy with the purchase.

Nose is a very funky stinky cheesy cookie smell with a hint of kushy gas underneath. Interesting and potent nose. Not as strong through the taste but it's definitely still there.

Potent hy...
nevertoomany·OnlyGas·1187d65 reviews
Very impressed with this stuff! Nice nose, a bit of sweet doughy cookies to it along with a nice spicy gas smell, all of which carries nicely to the taste. Burns nice, bit salt and pepper but no issue. Nice relaxing but clear headed buzz, doesn't put me to sleep I think it'd be good any t...
nevertoomany·KootenayCraft·1203d65 reviews
This one is killer. Beautiful buds, just the right moisture and texture. Pungent citrus-y cheesy nose. Potent. Tastes just like it smells. AAAA all the way here, nothing bad to say!
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