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February 8, 2023


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rkiller123·BudMail·1150d30 reviews
Rating 10/10

Grabbed an ounce for 99$, regretting not buying more,I have been looking for the perfect hybrid to use while working as I need my brain lol and this works wonders, amazing taste like peanut butter and the right amount of potency to keep u productive and functional, I am posti...
rkiller123·HighGradeAid·1165d30 reviews
Rating 8.5/10

Excellent sleep aid for people needing it and it also helps with digestive issues as well,the rating is cos the one by Buddha works better as it's stronger but it's costlier as well.
rkiller123·HighGradeAid·1180d30 reviews
Rating 9/10

First time trying this strain and it does live up to the hype,quite unique flavor,kushy terps with slight cookie dough taste and the high is classic indica but didn't feel it that heavy though as described by others but still a tasty treat...
rkiller123·HighGradeAid·1188d30 reviews
Rating 10/10

My favorite sativa with next being apple pie by hierba, loving this batch of red congo and have to say it's better than Acmedical in terms of the flavor...funky citrus notes through the vape and the high is uplifting and makes you social as well...
rkiller123·HighGradeAid·1192d30 reviews
Review post work folks...
rkiller123·HighGradeAid·1243d30 reviews
Classic kush taste with very good potency,grabbed for half price during the black friday sale along with other goodies which made it way more worth, have to say not been disappointed with any of the strains from this MOM yet.
rkiller123·HighGradeAid·1270d30 reviews
Yes and edibles gonna be potent for sure?
rkiller123·HighGradeAid·1278d30 reviews
Review : First time trying DCM and have to say it’s quite unique indica,it has a strong nose and good potency.flavor is kind of spicy in the vape with long lasting effects.I think I love the dms more probably cos of the gassy rockstar but this is still high up the charts and worth storing for spec...
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