
November 8, 2018
Review Count:
First Review:
November 8, 2018
Latest Review:
August 5, 2020


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Afta·TopShelfBC·1664d5 reviews
MOM Name: Topshelf bc

Overall rating out of 10:8/10

Sign Up: no id required quick and easy process

Ordering & Pricing: ordered the 2 oz tuna deal wich is pink/black tuna! Came at 275$ around 138 each!

Communication: they got a discord, so its pretty quick to get ...
Afta·DNMN·1989d5 reviews
MOM Name: DNMN dispensarynearmenow

Overall rating out of 10: a solid 8! Crazy deals and prices! Un solide 8 !

Sign Up: Easy to sign up very quick no id needed and you get a 10% coupon for mailer list. Tres facile a s’inscrire, pas besoin de carte! En plus il donne un coupon de 10%...
Afta·Supreme BC Buds·2014d5 reviews

Overall rating out of 10:A solid 9/10

Sign Up: Very easy/ no id required/ no account required to checkout ! Tres facile et simple a naviguer! Aucune documentation requise et tu peux passer une commande sans avoir un compte!

Ordering & Pricing:

Afta·BulkWeedInbox·2292d5 reviews
MOM Name bulkweedinbox

Overall rating out of 10:

afghan hash 7/10

strawberry cheesecake shatter 10/10

Sign Up:

easy and quick, no id required!

facile et vite,aucun documents necessaire!

Ordering & Pricing:

Was kinda sketchy websi...
Afta·TheHighClub·2300d5 reviews
MOM Name dont mistake it with highclub, 2 different moms! this review is for et highclub sont 2 mom’s different! ce review est pour

Overall rating out of 10:an easy 8.5/10 .i did get more then enough to review, around 10gs...
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