
October 21, 2020
Review Count:
First Review:
October 21, 2020
Latest Review:
November 25, 2020


No badges earned (yet)



Shipping/packaging: shipped same day and arrived double bagged and in a tape sealed box that had been shrink wrapped 10/10 secure
Communication : fast processing updates only time i messaged was to ask for a sample of one stain with my order. And they sent it

Drew4285·LowPriceBud·1560d6 reviews

Shipping / packaging : Sealed mylar inside heat sealed bags and a wrapped box 10/10 secure and smell free

Communication : Fast updates as the order was processed. Placed it tue. Arrived the following monday

Product : Zombie kush : nice bright g...
Drew4285·LowPriceBud·1572d6 reviews

Shipping/ packaging : arrived in 4 days packaged in a vac seal and and a taped box. Very secure

Communication : Regular email updates as the order was processed , didnt contact them besides that
Product : pink lemonade - This looked great. Decent trim ...
Drew4285·KushStation·1576d6 reviews
Kush station

Package/shipping. : arrived in under a week and wes in a vac seal inside a sealed box pretty nice and secure

Communication : emails for order updates arrived as my order was processed but i had not reason to contact them so i dont have much to say ..

Drew4285·LowPriceBud·1577d6 reviews

Package : vac sealed in a box. Very secure
Product. Bundle deal 2 oz Pink gas : nice and gassy. Strong earthy taste and potent. Trim was q bit loose but still nice
Pink death: Nice strong taste hard to describe for me but i really like it. Den...
Drew4285·LowPriceBud·1592d6 reviews lowpricebud

Overall: 8/10 pretty happy with these guys going to have to try something a bit stronger from them

Communication : never had to message them but my order was processed fast so no complaints there

Shipping/packaging : came in a ...
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