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Latest Review:
February 15, 2022


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SabMan001·LowPriceBud·1549d10 reviews
Thats mostly shake from flower with kief sprinkled in, these guys did you dirty. Also you should put your review in the comments easier to read
SabMan001·LowPriceBud·1641d10 reviews
Shipping/Packaging: 10/10
Quality: 8/10
Pricing: 10/10
Customer service: 10/10
Has a SUPER strong tuna flavor on the exhale. Excellent night cap.
SabMan001·LowPriceBud·1641d10 reviews
Yes, they have a point system & 10$ can be earned in their points which can be applied toward your next order.
SabMan001·KushStation·1652d10 reviews
It’s good, super relaxing buzz great for bedtime
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