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April 8, 2019


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indibloom66·KingTuts·2163d5 reviews
It’s nice actually. Had a nice happy uplift at first, then very relaxing. Looks great in person! Good pickup from KT! :)
indibloom66·TogoWeed·2185d5 reviews
This is their 95 budget oz. The bag appeal is not great but pretty damn good considering it’s budget.
indibloom66·CannaBlossom·2206d5 reviews
Got the AAA! Very good for AAA and potency is great
indibloom66·TogoWeed·2228d5 reviews
This has more of the body high rather than a head high. Very relaxing high and it seems to take away all anxiety. Smoking this didn’t bring the paranoia & anxiety that I was expecting. With the name of it and the gassy smell of it, I was actually very relaxed surprisingly.
indibloom66·TogoWeed·2228d5 reviews
Suuupeerr sticky GSC. Smells really strong and the high potent as hell. Very strong head high with a mix of body paralysis. It’s a really interesting hybrid high.
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