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FatehVaughn·BudMail·914d11 reviews

Heavy Chevy - West Coast BudMail - June

Not to be confused with budmail, decided to give these guys a try. Not bad at all quick delivery. Nice fairly potent indica, priced pretty proper, looks great too. Ash was fairly white with some black parts to it.
Stonerscotian1·BudMail·927d93 reviews

Grape Gasoline - West Coast Bud Mail - June 2022

Jsal77·BudMail·929d1 review

Hst to a mom

They charge 13% hst on all orders. They will not and cannot provide a hst number because its a mom.

They knowingly scam every customer every purchase .

Products are meh.
Not recommended
Kilimanjahroots·BudMail·929d23 reviews

Death Bubba Sample - WestCoastBudMail - Early June

WCbudmail sent me 3 samples to review, today i'm reviewing the last sample, death bubba AAAA.

This death bubba is not the best looking of the 3 samples, it got squished and DB was never a really impressive looking strain either but it still hits the marks. 

Fresh, sticky,...
Kilimanjahroots·BudMail·930d23 reviews

Mac #1 - WestCoastBudMail - Early June

WCBudMail sent me 3 samples to review, today i'm reviewing Mac #1 AAAA.

When i opened the bag i immediately got a wiff of that sweet vanilla and i knew it was gonna be good, that nug is dense, sticky and caked.. the texture, freshness and the smell of it when busting it open made me d...
1 · · ·4 5 6 7 8 · · ·104


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