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Specializes in connoisseur buds. Quality over Quantity and also in co2 carts & Bulk orders

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One of the most unique-tasting strains I have ever had (I find I keep saying this about HSP strains). The smell is a combo of cherries, rose, and red wine. But the taste is effervescent cherry cola. The first few drags from my Air are heavenly. The buds twinkle like the night skies. So happy with th...

I found the nose quite muted on this until ground up. Was appropriately potent for getting stuff done around the house while having a nice buzz but it wasn’t too long lasting. Very pleasant taste on this one - nice to try out but probably wouldn’t order again.

Haven’t tried yet. Lots of big nugs. Fairly dry. Looks coated. Not much of a scent - the Atomical Haze 99er I got smells better. Going to let it sit in a jar with boveda for a bit before trying it.

This was also taken on my $40 android lol. I think it looks pretty good considering.

My top pick from my order of lemon bubba, amnesia haze, garlic breath and blood orange. Strong flavour and feel the effects instantly through the bong, like taking a shot haha

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