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loveweed666666·OnlyGas·858d76 reviews

Weeding Breath, Onlygas, August 2022

Onlygas had a free Monkey Mintz oz deal with no minimum perchase. Me being a bit broke got the $16 Wedding Breath 3.5g

Great flower, super smooth smoke, Sticky, dense, white ash, strong terps, oil ring .

If you wish to join Onlygas, DM me and I'll give you a $30 link . Hap...
loveweed666666·OnlyGas·858d76 reviews

Monkey Mintz, Onlygas, August 2022

Had to jump on this! FREE OZ, Monkey mintz is awesome, just a few weeks back I paid full price for this strain. Nice berry minty terps, smokes real nice with salt and pepper ash.strong buzz. First time for me scoring a free Oz, love it.

So yeah, if you haven’t joined Onlygas your missi...
suburbandopehead·OnlyGas·860d23 reviews

Platinum Kush Breath via OnlyGas

wallbangu·OnlyGas·860d340 reviews

rock tuna Smalls [] 15/08/2022

Enjoying that one Id say Lindsay #1 Ilsand pink Rock tuna Would be my favorite in order some of the best.value if not THE best value for budget ive ever had.

It was gassy heavy little piney as well burns a little salt and pepper > video is the day I got it it. The lindsay and this one ...
wallbangu·OnlyGas·861d340 reviews

Slurricrasher Smalls [] 15/08/2022

Small sized nugs nice coated pretty healthy Smell is nice light grape with a little floral and dank side Transfers smoothly to the smoke not too raspy but burned a bit on the dark side

Didnt indulge much there either heard some people enjoying it the burn turned a bit but again at...
1 · · ·16 17 18 19 20 · · ·104


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