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Bouaiben·OnlyGas·929d51 reviews

Death bubba, only gas

Super good death bubba sweet and gassy nose and taste super potent this is my medicine for a good night of sleep another banger from og ✌️
wallbangu·OnlyGas·929d340 reviews

Tina Smalls [] 15/08/2022

Tina smaller medium sized buds heavily coated in trichomes inside not super ripe but frosty. Not my type of terps its lightly fruity cheesy I wanted to like it from the pictures its probably the one with the heaviest trichome coverage. Ive heard some who enjoyed it but it burns a bit too dark.for me...
wallbangu·OnlyGas·929d340 reviews

Island Pink [] 15/08/2022

Smaller sized buds a little more ruff on the fruits then the lindsay. But stronger gassy earthy notes def pink driven Burns a little salt and pepper but the gassy side transfers nicely. Little ring as well Heavy and sedating at 60$ this is insane value. Ive had plenty of 800lb with no terps barel...
wallbangu·OnlyGas·930d340 reviews

Lindsay OG smalls [ ] 16/08/2022

Very nice looking smalls pretty healthy looking on the outside lots of intact heads felt nice and the freshest of the smalls.

Nice heavy gas translate a little less to the taste then the island pink. Heavy smoke but not raspy, burns a little salt amd pepper with more salt. Better in bowls...

GLITTEROTTI OnlyGas August 2022

OnlyGas with some fire all around. Love their options and pricepoints all over. This Glitterotti was awesome. The best part? Not overpriced, literally only $100oz says something alright. Lovely sweet and creamy, burns mostly white, and good potency. Great quality medication at decent pricing.
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