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Strongest terp loaded flower I've gotten from OG . Juicy fruit terps to me. Very fresh and sticky, smokes great with salt and pepper ash. Good buzz. Found an immature seed. No credits for tiny review.

This flower is crazy, Super creamy fruity terps, giant budz, perfect cure, burns very well with white to grey ash, strong head and body buzz. Think it sold out in a few hours, had to be quick on this one.

Part of the most recent drop from OnlyGas this batch of Sophie’s Breath is one of two versions of this strain listed on the site. My half zip was the “Blue” cut. Overall very impressed with this flower, especially considering the price point. I found it to be extremely terpy. Nose was sweet be...

PBB - OnlyGas - August
Picked this stuff up for 75/Z on clearance, i must say its probably the best 75$ zip I've ever gotten. Really impressive.
Frosted and mostly purple nugs, almost pink in some spots. Great cure , nice and sticky. I really like the smell, this one has more sweetness and nuttiness compare...
Frosted and mostly purple nugs, almost pink in some spots. Great cure , nice and sticky. I really like the smell, this one has more sweetness and nuttiness compare...

Tom Ford - Only Gas - July 2022
At $100/oz, this one hits the spot. Don't have anything too exciting to rave about, but it is overall decent Pink smoke.
Overall 8.5/10 Value 9/10
Overall 8.5/10 Value 9/10

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