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bos420·OrderBudOnline·1125d643 reviews

Critical Mass * Order Bud Online * January

Strain - Critical Mass (Afghani x Skunk #1)

Visual/Texture - the entire eighth consisted of one thick, literal mass of a bud. A crisp shelled texture, with a mild fluffy, sponginess. Covered mostly by an medium emerald coloring, and accented by undertones of forest green patches. Highligh...
bos420·OrderBudOnline·1336d643 reviews

Hindu Kush * Order Bud Online * June

Strain - Hindu Kush

Vistual/Texture - the entire zip compiled of small to medium sized nugs, colored by a mossy green, with darker forest undertones, and lots of vibrant purple popping off the buds.  Quite the abundance of rusted copper pistils protruding from within, and topped off by a...
jesaispas666·OrderBudOnline·1360d130 reviews

Daniel laruso / orderbudonline / may

The buds are dense in texture and slightly spongy. A little dry on the outside; slightly leafy. Odor: Sweet, fruity, earthy, herbaceous and pungent, The taste is fruity and herbaceous, slightly tangy and a little skunky touch. The smoke is strong for the throat Combustion: ash is dark gray The effec...
bos420·OrderBudOnline·1361d643 reviews

Daniel Larusso * Order Bud Online * May

Strain - Daniel Larusso

Vistual/Texture - built up by smaller to medium sized nugs, slightly crisp, while being airy and having minor sponginess. The buds showing a good amount of olive green, with a fairly decent amount of vibrant purple hues. Bright fire orange pistils popping all over ...
jesaispas666·OrderBudOnline·1362d130 reviews

Fire OG / orderbudonline / may

Og kush x san fernando valley og

Texture: spongy and sticky to the touch. Well trimmed.

Odor: sweet earthy and pungent Taste: The first puffs were very earthy but the flavor is intensifying and you can taste pine and diesel. slow and uniform burning and leaves a pale gray ash...
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