Specialty / Description
No mids, just quads. Quality genetics grown organically in living soil. Zero pesticides. No bullshit. The truth is in the burn.
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Accomplished-Fix-820·Skookum·1041d28 reviews

White Sumo - Skookum - April 2022

I don’t think this one got reviewed recently so I’ll put my 2 cents out.

Killer stuff as usual from Skookum. Big, sticky and solid buds (weighted 14.03 in 6 chunky buds).

Reeks of cheese and citrus and tastes exactly like fresh oranges. Flavour is surreal.

arcboy·Skookum·1042d9 reviews

Skookum - Mint Choc Chip - April 2022

arcboy·Skookum·1042d9 reviews

Skookum - Strawberry Jerry - April 2022

Strawberry Jerry from Skookum

Bag appeal - 8.5/10 - The nugs were all pretty big, perfect cure and trim in my opinion. Buds were extremely sticky to the touch, nice and squishy. The nugs looked bright green and decently frosty, but in my opinion the looks of the bud weren’t anything spe...
Jazzy_45·Skookum·1044d21 reviews

Skookum - Strawberry Jerry - 420 Sale - April 2022

Today I got around to trying out my 2nd 420 Skookum box and this strain is the highly reviewed Strawberry Jerry and they were spot on.

First off the packaging looks like it was meant for royalty. Nice packaging and they even managed to squeeze in a boveda pack in the fancy can. Nice......
Bouaiben·Skookum·1044d51 reviews

Ultra pink skookum 420

Truth is in the burn but the ash is grey/black?
1 · · ·5 6 7 8 9 · · ·16


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