Specialty / Description
No mids, just quads. Quality genetics grown organically in living soil. Zero pesticides. No bullshit. The truth is in the burn.
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Slim127171·Skookum·1027d15 reviews

Strawberry Jerry Skookum may

AAAA true in every way Turps well …. like walking through strawberry Fields. Perfect cure, Clean fluffy ash and great high
frosty204·Skookum·1029d27 reviews

skookum Quake. NFCanna. Mid May

Bouaiben·Skookum·1030d51 reviews

Bx3 octane / skookum

Smell like gas cacao and waffle taste is super sweet and gassy super potent makes me sleep like a baby not the best of all 5 skookum I bought on 420 but still very good ?
up_in_smoke_eh·Skookum·1035d6 reviews

Skookum - Mint Choc Chip - April

Wow wow so so good! Got the 420 sale and so happy I did. Large sticky nugs nicely trimmed and ever so pretty. A strong solid high throughout the body this is a heavy hitter for sure. Amazing potency and terps this is another skookum strain that is a must try!
millzog·Skookum·1040d43 reviews

Candy Gas - GetSkookum - APR 21

Sweet sugary powder candy fuel gas and a bit of funk with amazing bag appeal and rock hard dense buds. Without a doubt, the best quality I've had from skookum and better than their staple MCC which I also have.

As soon as you light it, you're getting a sweet tartish chemmy gassy ...
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