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March 27, 2023


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Slim127171·QuadCo·709d15 reviews
Pwizz smalls creamy nose (ICC like) nice size and perfect cure. Hits hard but smooth af. $299/hp great value for true quads smalls.
Slim127171·QuadCo·710d15 reviews
Pwizz smalls creamy nose, nice size and excellent moisture. Hits hard, greasy but smooth af. $299 hp great value for true quads smalls.
Slim127171·QuadCo·800d15 reviews
Slim127171·QuadCo·832d15 reviews
Nice creamy with lil gas nose and taste when smoked. Good clean smoke with light greyish ash. Checks all boxes. Paid $111/z on Black Friday sale. Would and did reorder again. Not incentivize
Slim127171·OnlyGas·883d15 reviews
Bought all these rated at AAAA. SS was good high but mute ( best of the order) salt/pepper ash. ICM good icc smell but r mids .. did ray charles do the trim, had gray ash with super fast burn. Emancipator had good smell but no ways quads. Ps don’t tell me I get what I paid for. Ordered according...
Slim127171·Prohibition Farms·971d15 reviews
on sale as AAAA smalls …. $55 oz still NOT a good deal. Second time ordering and last.
Slim127171·GrassChief·974d15 reviews
POGO (Purple Alien OG x Goji OG) and Berry Breath (Blackberry x Grateful Breath Tight nugs smells fruity and gassss. it will fk u up an intense one that leaves you feeling very sleepy and sedated. Perfect cure, Burns fluffy white ash. BEST value smoke @ $160/qp ever? True quads smalls
Slim127171·Skookum·1007d15 reviews
Face Off OG x Animal Mints

fuel, citrus and sweetness.The flavour profile is bright and floral.

High is on from first the hit and then the couch lock up begins. Ash is light grey and very easy on the throat.

As always cks all quad boxes
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