Specialty / Description
No mids, just quads. Quality genetics grown organically in living soil. Zero pesticides. No bullshit. The truth is in the burn.
GETSKOOKUM15 (15$ on your first order)
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Jazzy_45·Skookum·1046d21 reviews

Skookum - Jerry Can - 420 Sale - April 2022

This was my first time trying Skookum.Saw they had a sale $90/14g cans including shipping so I jumped on that shit and ordered 3 cans.

This stuff is phenomenal in all categories and SUPER fresh.Opening the can Im hit with the strong fresh strawberry jam smell that is so delicious it caug...
coop3r187·Skookum·1051d41 reviews

Mint Chocolate Chip - GetSkookum - April 2022

Nice slow burn in the joint with a mostly white leaning ash. Mega munchies and a short nap after half a J.

SUPER flavour in the volcano - I get some mint on the exhale and another taste I can’t quite grasp; it doesn’t strike me as chocolate though. More of a super relaxed high and rig...
rkj18g1qbb·Skookum·1063d1 review

Skookum - Strawberry Guava

kgbdemon90·Skookum·1064d29 reviews

Cold Snap Skookum - potcargo - April 1st

What a treat this is. Right when I opened up the can my whole house filled with gas, gorgeous caked buds in this little can I couldn't believe they fit 14g in it with a boveda! Great flavor in the vape gassy dankness that produces massive clouds. Grabbed this from potcargo with their new custome...
Accomplished-Fix-820·Skookum·1077d28 reviews

Cold Snap (Skookum) - Budmail, March 2022

Skookum tins need no introduction and I’m way too fried for a proper review so I’ll keep this short.

Absolutely everything is on point, bag appeal, smell, taste, burn and potency.

I have zero complaints except that I wish these tins were less expensive.

If you...
1 · · ·6 7 8 9 10 · · ·16


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