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The Chron Father Co. All flowers from chronfather’s farm are premium quality and guaranteed fresh
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bos420·TheChronFather·1794d643 reviews

Congo Guava * TCF * April

Strain - Congo Guava


Smell - has the sweet smelling Congolese to it mostly but also definitely some fruity hints

Smoke - smooth smoke, great stuff, taste translates perfect on exhale

High - great daytime high, loved red Congolese on its own as a strain...
somefuckwho·TheChronFather·1794d22 reviews

Purple Og The ChronFather. April 2020

Great bag appeal, nice nugs, 3g, 4g . smallest is liike a gram. Sticky/super fresh. Nose is a little lacking ( but that smells like just a lack of cure)... But great for the $.
Strong indica high, I dont smoke joints so cant judge ash, but good for the listing price.
bos420·TheChronFather·1794d643 reviews

Pink Rock * TCF * April

Strain - Pink Rock


Smell - has an earthy combined with a floral smell from the pink

Smoke - decent smoke, even burn, nothing harsh about this at all

High - carries a heavy eyed high, excellent smoke anytime day or evening

Value: 8.5/10 another g...
DDKLondon·TheChronFather·1796d31 reviews

Tangerine Cookies/TCF/April 2020

Value 9/10 Quality 9/10

First time ordering from TCF and I am not disappointed. Huge citrus smell outta the bag. Huge buds, nice Terps, probably would be amazing in a vaporizer but I am a joint guy. Hits real good, nice white ash if that’s your thing, tastes like a delicious cookie, gets ...
bos420·TheChronFather·1796d643 reviews

Mad Cap * TCF * April

Strain - Mad Cap


Smell - quite the earth smell in bud form but found it has a nice citrus smell once busted up

Smoke - wasnt the greatest burning stuff, found it had to be relit a few times through a session

High - nice high, definitely has a punch to it...
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