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The Chron Father Co. All flowers from chronfather’s farm are premium quality and guaranteed fresh
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JGS7290·TheChronFather·1286d54 reviews

Pure Michigan 2.0 - TCF - 8/30/21

Got this, was a bit weak IMO, how did you like your batch?
sweatswamp705·TheChronFather·1286d7 reviews

Woah si woah - tcf - sept 2021

First time ordering off this mom and I was not disappointed. These woah si woah’s look tame but I can assure you they are not. Upon first exhale it has a pine/wood flavour followed by sweet undertones. I was also surprised by the amount of purpleness in the bud when it’s busted. Burns almost whi...
Vurgs·TheChronFather·1286d6 reviews

Mac Master - TCF - September

This is some straight-up gas, unfortunately its sold out but holy hell does this get me stoned. Smells like some Creamy Gas that's really pungent to the nose. It burned good and all the buds were of great size... I really wish this comes around again cause it hits hard. Solid 10/10 on my scale. ...
JGS7290·TheChronFather·1287d54 reviews

Divine Gelato AAAA (Headwater) - TCF - 8/30/21

Have this coming tmr along with a couple others! Excited now thanks for the review
Froggman420·TheChronFather·1287d56 reviews

Greasy Monkey Quad, The ChronFather. Aug.

1 · · ·79 80 81 82 83 · · ·207


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