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Specialty / Description
The Chron Father Co. All flowers from chronfather’s farm are premium quality and guaranteed fresh
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Vurgs·TheChronFather·1288d6 reviews

Gelato 33 - TCF - September

Amazing stuff for the tag. Burns clean with decent white ash. Cure and stickiness were perfect out the bag, my joint stayed lit the whole time and was a smooth smoke. Buds are absolutely gorgeous and the high is definitely on the heady Sativa side...
breaktime1·TheChronFather·1288d28 reviews

MAC OG QUAD - TCF - Early September

I just opened the bag and was blown away. Buds are phenomenal in appearance. Possibly the most beautiful weed I've ever seen. Will update once I have smoked some.
Jazzy_45·TheChronFather·1288d21 reviews

Unicorn Poop - Thechronfather - Early Sept 2021

After seeing alot of positive reviews on the chronfather I decided to take advantage of his single ozs and on recommendation from TCF I grabbed both the unicorn poop and lso mint chocolate chip.

The unicorn poop arrived not too dry. Medium to small dense buds with a sweet incense like dan...

TITS (thisistheshit) Acura Quad—TheChronFather—August2021

So….. is it the shit ?

Death Bubba Smalls/Popcorn TCF early sept

Must be from a different grower doesn't look/smell anything like the qo last month. Still super sticky with more or a kerosene then gas smell. Burns clean and very slow in a joint.

Eh for $250/QP no complaints picked up a oz or Runtz that was pretty good review later
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