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mattnchels·TheGreenAce·1930d120 reviews

Laughing Buddha by Quadnautics (AAA+) from The Green Ace End of November 2019

Bag appeal - This was a free sample and was a one gram nug, and based on that it is very beautiful. Nice light green in color and just caked in trichomes, slightly sticky but as I said this was just a sample so hard to say what a whole bag would be like. But I have to assume it would be good!!
mattnchels·TheGreenAce·1930d120 reviews

Grandaddy Purple from The Green Ace end of November 2019

Well for the first time in almost a full year of ordering from the Green Ace, I am not happy. I can’t even do a review as nobody should risk buying this strain from here. However, The Green Ace pulled through once again and within minutes of me emailing them to let them know I wasn’t happy, they...
mattnchels·TheGreenAce·1938d120 reviews

Blue City Diesel from The Green Ace November 2019

Had to take a nice close up of this
Bag appeal - Nice looking buds with dark purple hues that are beautiful to look at. A little on the dry side

Burns nicely, nice and smooth
Ash - light grey

Smell - Smells nice and fruity, some type of berry (almost like fruity pebble) o...
mattnchels·TheGreenAce·1940d120 reviews

Citrus Kush from The Green Ace November 20th 2019

Bag appeal - very nice to look at, the buds are descent size, heavy frosty nugs that are perfectly dried in my opinion

Smell - very tropical/fruity (can’t put my finger on it exactly), with gas like undertones

Taste - Very fruity/Citrusy with a slight gas like after smell just l...
mattnchels·TheGreenAce·1940d120 reviews

Pineapple Kush (AAA+) from The Green Ace November 20th/2019

Pineapple Kush (AAA+):

Bag appeal - beautiful looking buds, nice and sticky

Smell - the name says it all, it smells of very very strong pineapple with that nice kush smell

Taste - WOW!!! Amazingly strong pineapple taste but has an after taste of peppers
Ash - nice an...
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