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mattnchels·TheGreenAce·1959d120 reviews

McGrupp (AAA+) Ordered from The Green Ace November 2019

This is not my first time ordering this strain and won’t be my last. It’s just so good I keep grabbing a bag every other month or so. I just haven’t done a review yet so.
This is by far one of my favorite strains so far. I am really big on taste but of course I also need to get high(as i ...
mattnchels·TheGreenAce·1959d120 reviews

Purple Urkle Ordered from The Green Ace

I ordered this and am very surprised and happy with what I got. I got it for an amazing price. Some buds are a little on the leafy side but for the most part it is what you see in the pic. And as for the high, it is just as promised. I have very bad insomnia and anxiety, this strain is more than hel...
Matty·TheGreenAce·1965d3 reviews

The Green Ace Bubble Gum strain

I have said this before and can still say it months later, my favorite site to order from is by far The Green Ace. It is the only site I order from as I know they have super fast shipping, good fair prices, great product, and they always have good sales going on. Not only that, they are very fast at...
Bimbimdizz·TheGreenAce·1969d4 reviews

Beautiful Blue God - TheGreenAce- private sale Oct.2019

TheGreenAce. I asked if they could find this strain and luckily they said they just got a very small amount available.
Thechronickid00·TheGreenAce·1971d130 reviews

The Green Ace Review - October 2019


The Green Ace


Three days shipping time from BC to Ontario. Packaged in a protective box keeping everything safe from being damaged. Also no odor as the items were vacuum sealed.




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