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This blueberry cheesecake is a pleasant cross between big buddha cheese and blueberry. Has a little more sugar leaf than I’d like but nothing crazy. Looks like theres real potential however, from the healthy shades of purples/greens, to the amount of full trich heads. Good humidity as well as thes...

A bit on the pricy side at 240. I mean it’s a very good smoke but should be a bit cheaper in my humble opinion to reflect it’s AAA+ quality as I don’t feel it’s a type of quad to compete at that price range.

I’ll let you know as soon as I smoke it my dude! Hopefully as soon as I get home

Green Crack is my go to strain when I want my high to act like an energy drink. This one came sticky and frosty with a plethora of thin orange hairs. Very vibrant looking, although not the greatest of trims as theres some extra leaf/sugar leaf.
The smell and taste is classic green crack. P...
The smell and taste is classic green crack. P...

Hey thanks a lot man, real nice of you!

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