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Bimbimdizz·TheGreenAce·1943d4 reviews

Citrus Kush- - The Green Ace - November

It burns white. Really good smoke and very fruity. Uplifting high and lasting pretty long. I really enjoyed it and will be getting more after this oz. Their nuke burns grey..both are definitely good discounted deals.
MemBlasting·TheGreenAce·1944d6 reviews

Super Nuken $99oz- Thegreenace- November

It got a strong sweet fruity scent. Nugs are tight and caked. Good deal for sure.
mattnchels·TheGreenAce·1949d120 reviews

(AAA) Sunset Sherbert strain ordered from The Green Ace Mid November

Another amazing strain from TGA. This is a very potent indica dominant hybrid. The high is pretty intense as it should be considering it is the heir to the GSC throne. Has an amazing taste and smell, smells alot like some type of candy just as described. When smoked it is not harsh at all and tastes...
mattnchels·TheGreenAce·1949d120 reviews

(AAA) Death Bubba Strain by Gas Demon ordered from The Green Ace mid November

This is another amazing Indica dominant hybrid. My wife’s depression is a thing of the past when smoking this just like my anxiety and/or any stress I’m feeling at the time. Definitely a (AAA) strain and worth the purchase, specially for the price. You can still feel the sativa effects at first ...
Blazeit4420·TheGreenAce·1950d2 reviews

Bruce Banner-The Green Ace-October

Bruce Banner!
1 · · ·42 43 44 45 46 · · ·67


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