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WTFCannabis is Canada's leading online weed dispensary for quality products at an affordable price. We pride ourselves on also having the best customer service in the industry. All concentrate products on sale up to 25% OFF.
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Odd-Assumption·WTFCannabis·1752d60 reviews

Animal Cookies AAAA/WTF Cannabis/Mar 2020

$139 oz

Value 9.5/10

Quality 9/10

Interesting eucalyptus menthol taste followed by berry, very potent hits fast and hard great for pain control. Listed AAAA, Id assume AAA+= to AAAA/-
Odd-Assumption·WTFCannabis·1752d60 reviews

Bluefin Tuna-WTF Cannabis-Mar2020

$139 oz price AAA/+

Tuna dominant blue finish
Diablesse187·WTFCannabis·1752d77 reviews

Cookie OG by WTFcannabis mars 2020

Strain: OG Cookies

Variety: Hybrid

Growth: OG Kush X Girl Scout Cookies

Appearance: Very compact bud, perfect cure, size 0.9 + G, excellent humidity and well crystallized

Smell: pine, sweet with a skunky touch

Taste: acre an...
Odd-Assumption·WTFCannabis·1753d60 reviews

Banana Split Budder-WTFCannabis-MAR2020

10/10 WTF Cannabis had my product on my doorstep under 2 days

CG brand Banana Split (Tangie x Banana Sherbert) ONLY $25, all their other budders $20

soft sweet pine smell and dominant terpene besides limonene, texture easy to work with

Taste like sugar or sweet wafer with ...
Diablesse187·WTFCannabis·1753d77 reviews

WTFcannabis Super Glue reviews mars 2020

Strain: Super Glue

Variety: hybrid (Dominant Indica)

Growth: Skunk # 1 X Northern Lights

Appearance: Compact dish, perfect cure, size 1 + G, nice humidity and crystallized

Smell: Pine and grass with a skunky touch

Taste: Pine...
1 · · ·135 136 137 138 139


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