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WTFCannabis is Canada's leading online weed dispensary for quality products at an affordable price. We pride ourselves on also having the best customer service in the industry. All concentrate products on sale up to 25% OFF.
No code required: free disposable pen, free 1g of concentrate, free edibles, free 3.5 grams
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LeBim666·WTFCannabis·1812d142 reviews

White Death - WTFCANNABIS - 2020 March

White death free sample

Beautiful compact nug and fully coated of thc. The smell is strong and pungent as soon as you open the bag. Once grinded it’s even better and stronger. Best of widow and death bubba. Strong indica high. At first it’s a bit uplifting and then it’s goi...
GanjaGoddess·WTFCannabis·1812d3 reviews

WTF Cannabis Review

MOM NAME: WTFCannabis wtf cannabis


COMMUNICATION/SERVICE: 10/10 They always answer me promptly or within a day, ordered on mar 2 and was at my house mar 4 BC to AB

SHIPPING/PACKAGING: Clear vac bag around individual zip bag products put inside a m...
Odd-Assumption·WTFCannabis·1813d60 reviews

Cookies Og/WTFCannabis/Mar2020

Value 10/10 This Mom really surprised me, oz for $99 currently

Quality rated AAAA hard to argue with that, great for pain control, smooth, potent floral pleasent taste into sweet, also prettiest sample of the bunch
bassdrop30·WTFCannabis·1813d96 reviews

Animal Cookies - WtfCannabis - March 20

Big euphoria up front leading to nice muscle relaxation, no sleepiness. Tastes like a good cookies cross with some slight citrus and pepper. Burns slightly dark grey, but ash is smooth and gives nice oil rings, cure is on point as well. Def worth their asking price. Received as a free sample.
LeBim666·WTFCannabis·1813d142 reviews

Blue Fin Tuna - WTFCANNABIS - 2020 March

This Blue fin tuna from wtfc is another great one! The smell of thus one is pungent and almost sweet. Defiantly smell great! With a taste on the citrus side with earthy note. Keep this on for the night toke. The buds area compact with a relatively good humidity. It’s will burn decently, darker ash...
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