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WTFCannabis is Canada's leading online weed dispensary for quality products at an affordable price. We pride ourselves on also having the best customer service in the industry. All concentrate products on sale up to 25% OFF.
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MCDaddy75·WTFCannabis·1301d432 reviews

Banana Cane - WTF Cannabis - August - Incentivized Review

whats the price tag on that, bag appeal looks great, a bit of a shame if u say it burns dark!
wallbangu·WTFCannabis·1301d340 reviews

Hindu Kush [] 10/08/2021

A bit of a small headed trichomes on this one. Nice light gassy nose nothing aggressive but present. Light qnd plumpy to the touche but not sticky. Burned nice and slow but a tad darkish on this one. It was a AAA but it was a bit light compared to the pink Crack and chemdawg in comparaison which ...
wallbangu·WTFCannabis·1302d340 reviews

Pink Kush [] 15/08/2021

Pink kush

For a 59$ oz its pretty crazy felt very fresh sticky once broken appart. Still nice healthy stacks of heads on the exterior.

It smelled nice Pink driven with hints of sweet gas. Not crazy gassy but very nice for something rated that low. The smoke is heavy sharp bit...
wallbangu·WTFCannabis·1303d340 reviews

Romulan x Nuken [] 18/08/2021

Medium to smaller sized buds. Light floral earthy nose light musk in the back nothing crazy look wise but nice ammount of amber heads for something rated as AA. Plumpy but not sticky felt nice. Sharp but not too harsh smoke. Mellow effects. Nice for budget stuff ! Id give 8/10 for value ans 7/10 ...
MCDaddy75·WTFCannabis·1305d432 reviews

Strawpicana - WTF Cannabis - August - Incentivized review

Strawpicana from WTF Cannabis

70% Indica Dominant Hybrid

Nose: The nose was musky and spicy with some sweetness to it. It was very pungent.

Stickiness/Moisture: It was a little bit sticky, and the moisture level was great.

Taste: The flavour was very punge...
1 · · ·54 55 56 57 58 · · ·139


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