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WTFCannabis is Canada's leading online weed dispensary for quality products at an affordable price. We pride ourselves on also having the best customer service in the industry. All concentrate products on sale up to 25% OFF.
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MCDaddy75·WTFCannabis·1306d432 reviews

Fieldtrip - WTF Cannabis - August - Incentivized Review

Fieldtrip from WTF Cannabis

60% Indica Dominant Hybrid

Grower: Farm2Jar (breeder – Bodhi)

Nose: The nose was quite a bit piney and earthy. I also got a bit of a rich coffee and brown sugar that made it smell very nice.

Stickiness/Moisture: It was a littl...
wallbangu·WTFCannabis·1307d340 reviews

Wedding Cake [] 1/08/2021

Nice chunky nugs with a decwnt humidity level. Not sticky icky but nicely cured lighlty sticky once busted open.

The nose is there classic wedding but i found the taste did not transfer as well. Stil good considering it was rated as 179$ AAAA. Fair to the 179$ id say AAAA-. Burned very n...
wallbangu·WTFCannabis·1310d340 reviews

Frosted Fruitcakes [] 01/08/2021

Frosted Fruitcakes

Really nice big sized buds looked just like the ones on the site haha. Felt nice and fresh plump with the tip of the buds being decently sticky.

Smelled nice fruity. Not crazy pungent but its there same for the smoke subtle a bit sharp with a really funky b...
wallbangu·WTFCannabis·1312d340 reviews

Purple Punch [ ] 20/07/2021

Classic nose and taste orangey floral notes nice and slow burn slight salt and pepper ash but nothing major. A great day time smoke not sedating or too heavy.
predevam8·WTFCannabis·1312d7 reviews

Black Diamond/WTFCannabis/Aug2021

1 · · ·55 56 57 58 59 · · ·139


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