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IG: @weedposters & @wizardwillrise


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JoelTrolls·WeedPosters·1767d14 reviews

Sunset Pink // WeedPosters // May

Classic pink kush. Definitely pleased. Very floral taste and fuel like nose. This has been very helpful for my insomnia at night time. Ordered a few other strains from them that I’m gonna review too.

Quality 8/10
Value 8/10
6ixchronic·WeedPosters·1767d117 reviews

High Octane - Weedposters - May

Very pretty and completely layered with trichromes. However, not a very gassy nose or flavour, had more of a piney citrous??? Buds are a bit airy and not that potent in term of effect. Quality 7/10

BlueSky Organic Pink/ Weed Posters/ May

Another nice pink from Weed Posters although this is hands down my favourite so far. Smooth classic pink terps with a drizzle of gas and undertones of citrus to my big nose. Nice white ash one of the nicest burns I’ve seen. Just as potent as the Pink slime but didn’t make me dizzy. The terps com...
daddiesgirl420·WeedPosters·1769d31 reviews

king purp // weedposters// may

how so?
6ixchronic·WeedPosters·1770d117 reviews

Death Bubba - Weedposters - May 2020

Sweet gas. My go to along with them pink strains. Smooth with a clean burn. No complaints. Quality 8.5/10
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