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IG: @weedposters & @wizardwillrise


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6ixchronic·WeedPosters·1771d117 reviews

Pink Kush - Weedposters - May

That sweet floral gas. Sticky potent and tasty but not really dense and a bit leafy. Quality 8/10

Red Delta Congo / Weedposters / May 13

Yo. Forgot to press post last time I was on here

9/10 Quality 10/10 Value

This strain was some shit, definite frosty buds with colours that compliment each other throughout. The nose has a decent gas to it but the taste really follows through. Hashy notes on exhale with that litt...

Peanut Butter Breath/ CE sourced by WeedPosters/ May

Making a fat blunt right now! Will post my thoughts soon.
MistaMOE18·WeedPosters·1772d33 reviews

Platinum Kush Breath #2 / Weed Posters / May 2020

Strain: [Platinum Kush Breath #2](

Mom: Weed Posters

Cultivator: Jackson Rainz aka RainzForest

Batch Date: May 1st

Packaged in a white box and taped on all sides, inside there was a 1g sample of pure ice and 5...

Meat Breath #29/ Weed Posters/ May

Personally I don’t know how I got it so fast arrived in less than 24 hours. Upon opening the vac sealed jar you’re hit with like a sweet smoked salami smell definitely not a bad smell unless you don’t really like meat.Arrived with integra at bottom of the jar. Slightly sticky. Crushing in grin...
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