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March 12, 2024


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Bazioski13·GreenSociety·928d16 reviews
Not a lot of frost on this nug. Cheap on their site but not high quality as I was hoping for. Could have been a lot more frosty for the platinum part of the strain. Either way, this smoked all right but the there was more left to be desired. Relaxing buzz but effects did not last long. Buds were cle...
Bazioski13·BuyLowGreen·928d16 reviews
The cannalean was really sweet and it almost tasted like melted watermelon blasts without the sourness. Also changed the colour of the jello. I tried a batch earlier to cook it with my gummies but they got a little watered down. I think I got my technique a little better this time so that there are ...
Bazioski13·BuyLowGreen·1011d16 reviews
Amazing crystals on this bud! White Rhino was an old school favourite of mine that really smokes me out. Really good frost and the flavour is so bright and fruity. The effects are almost immediate as the thc coats my lungs. My eyes get insta red and the visine comes out. Super high energy that keeps...
Bazioski13·BuyLowGreen·1018d16 reviews
The lemony sour taste coming from this is crazy! Super fresh nugs. my fingers smell of citrus after breaking the nugs open. The buds grew so beautifully and I think it was cured to perfection. An oz of this didn't last long. It was one of the more popular ones amongst my batches. The terps are ...
Bazioski13·WeedSmart·1020d16 reviews
Expected a much more frosty nug like in the picture. I didn't enjoy this strain as much since it was covered in crystals like in the picture but was not dense. Still ok. I was not mad at it but the picture made me drool. I had to try it. Little too leafy for my preference and dry. It was dry an...
Bazioski13·GreenSociety·1025d16 reviews
This one got me feeling like Dumb and Dumber. Great psychoactive high that lasts long. Got me soooo spaced out and giggly. This is a great strain since the smell was extremely pungent with a hint of berries. Musky yet delightful. I took a shot since I've never heard of this strain. I bought it w...
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