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July 30, 2020


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Blargandi·GhostDrops·2044d16 reviews
Strain: Cuban Linx (GMO x Trigerian / TK Skunk)
Rating 3/5
The first thing I noticed about this bud was the extremely pungent aroma. When I opened the container my apartment was filled with an overwhelming smell that can only be described as cat piss and diesel with a zest of lemon. The nugs...
Blargandi·HighGradeAid·2096d16 reviews
Full album: [](
I had mixed feelings about this one. For $250 an ounce I had very high expectations for this. Sadly, the way it came packaged was terrible: they crammed a premium 28g product into a bag that was way too small causing all th...
Blargandi·GhostDrops·2096d16 reviews
Full album : [](
Another great drop from the chronfather. Upon opening the container my entire apartment was filled with a dank skunky smell. The nugs feel fresh and are extremely sticky. The buds are caked in trichomes from head to toe, l...
Blargandi·Mainland Cannabis·2101d16 reviews
Bright yellow colour peppered with orange hairs. Very dense nugs and absolutely dripping in kief. This bud has one of the most pleasant smell profiles I have ever had the pleasure to own. Intensely sharp notes of grapefruit and lemon overwhelm you leaving a lingering smell in your nostrils for a min...
Blargandi·Mainland Cannabis·2101d16 reviews
The buds are an appealing dark color, with a medium amount of kief. Some of the nugs appeared slightly pressed. I am pretty sure whoever grew these used a lot of nutrients to put size on the bud based on its bulbous shape and lack of discernible colas. Deep grape smell erupts from the bag as soo...
Blargandi·GhostDrops·2102d16 reviews
Visually the nugs are beautiful: frosted, speckled with purple hues and orange hairs. When viewed under 30x magnification with a jeweler’s lope you can see the THC crystals dripping from each bud. The aroma is extremely pungent: first hitting you with a sour smell followed by deep notes of che...
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