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March 31, 2020


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StonerSteve64·OkanaganGreen·2491d474 reviews
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StonerSteve64·OkanaganGreen·2491d474 reviews
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StonerSteve64·SimplyBudz·2493d474 reviews
Yes it’s very potent and burns clean has that classic pungent skunk/earth smell and tastes similar with a sweet finish.

I just smoked a joint and took a few hits with my Pax vape feeling very relaxed/euphoric and ready for bed lol! I love this strain as a night cap it’s heavy buzz help...
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2494d474 reviews

I definitely reccomend them Tony is a saint! All their higher priced strains are next level quality and not ’cheap weed’ lol.

Even the lower priced ones are AA-AAA and priced according to nug size/trim/potency/burn and the pricing is amazing especially in bulk
StonerSteve64·OkanaganGreen·2494d474 reviews
´More pictures here] (
StonerSteve64·FireTHC·2495d474 reviews
This strain always makes me happy :)

Such a nice smell/taste sweet citrus and pine with earthy undertones. This Moby Dick is solid AAA with uplifting/euphoric and energetic effects. It burns clean white ash and the nugs aren’t too dense kind of spongey but breaks up huge; great for bowls ...
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2496d474 reviews
Reminds me of any type of blueberry strain has the sweet berry/earthy smell and taste. The nugs are soft and fluffy with a nice amount of trichomes and fairly sticky. The high is mellow but relaxing and also euphoric. It burns slow and mostly light grey ash. It’s nice quality for the price.
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2496d474 reviews
Sorry I don’t see a single cannabis pic in your profile so hard to compare.. But yes this is in a lightbox under a quality light.

Here is some more pics of the [Jet Fuel] (
StonerSteve64·CheapWeed·2496d474 reviews
Solid AAA burns clean and very potent. Sticky nugs defintely worth the price.
StonerSteve64·FireTHC·2496d474 reviews
This is some nice cheese it’s pungent and had a lot of flavour cheese/pine and a hint of berry. The nugs are medium density with a heavy amount of trichomes. It burns clean white / grey ash and is easy to roll with. The high is euphoric/energetic which turns to relaxation; a nice hybrid for any ti...
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