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May 11, 2021


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It’s a really good smoke, smooth on the inhale with no choke on the exhale. The taste and smell compliment each other quite well.. to me, opening the bag, I smell a straight gassy stench but like... there’s some pine notes there too. It’s real subtle at the end of really taking the smell in yo...
aLiterateBudpinion·GhostDrops·1892d45 reviews
thank you for the oz ;)
In all honesty, I can’t really give the greatest answer because I’m still quite new to the shatter game but I know for a fact... it’s ten times better than the stuff I got like last month or so.. tastes way better and if my camera wasn’t so shitty and the lighting, this stuff lo...
Definitely citrusy smell as soon as you open it, and I was surprised to see how caked it was. Almost every bud had a purple tinge to it and out of the QP (chose 4 strains) I ordered, that strain held more of the bigger buds out of the bunch. Smoking this stuff just makes me want to lay around and re...
It’s my first QP with them, I haven’t tried the Pink Kush yet, after a good sleep I’ll give an update though. Hard for me to determine how great a potency is if I’m already blitzed off other strains
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