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September 30, 2022


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airwalker5189·TogoWeed·897d8 reviews
This ones from Miss Hazey / Hierba, seen it around before and heard that it's getting better and better each batch that comes by. I definitely do agree and that it is pretty good! Truly nice flavours, that fruity fruity burst of sweet gas. Would consider to be a more of a early evening, afternoo...
airwalker5189·WTFCannabis·924d8 reviews
$79oz... this is an awesome deal! Nice trips/mids, well trimmed, smells and taste of sweet kush. Burns salt and peppa a bit of grey. Potency is light to medium, pretty good for just relaxin a bit in the evening, but not really rock your socks out. Very enjoyable esp. for the price. Overall 8/10 Valu...
airwalker5189·TogoWeed·948d8 reviews
Went away to Mexico for most part of summer and DAMN I gotta say its good to be back smoking CanadianMOMs weed... seriously. This one I thought I'd try with the headwater grower tag on there, and it was pretty good. Not blown away, no exotic fruity terps, but what I will say is that it is quite ...
airwalker5189·TogoWeed·1023d8 reviews
Finally got a try this one, heard many great things about this one. Grown by Prohibition Farms, I gotta say I was really impressed and the things I have heard is true. Very strong gassy rubbery smell thats in your face and when you smoke it has that same smell as you taste it with kush. Burns white ...
airwalker5189·TogoWeed·1073d8 reviews
Looks and smells pretty good, flavours come out sweet. Potency maybe another one that is a bit moderate. I would put this more of a daytime strain vs a heavy hitting night cap. Always been happy with Hierba, but recently it seems potency has not been a star factor. With all the other stuff that Togo...
airwalker5189·TogoWeed·1106d8 reviews
I'm a sucker for beautifully grown exotic strains. Purchased this after seeing someone post about it. Comes with a nice fancy Hierba Guava Oreoz bag. Looks are absolutely stunning, nose and flavour is sweet and kushy. Overall a clean, enjoyable smoke w/ decent ash. Potency was mild to moderate. ...
airwalker5189·Carly's Garden·1144d8 reviews
$350 QP Mix & Match: Great quality strains at the price point. A few small key points on the strains below I tried.

Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies: Super dense nugs, more smalls, but all dense, sweet

OG Kush Breath: Pretty nice, average, almost smells like armpit + gas

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