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May 1, 2023


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bos420·LowPriceBud·1661d643 reviews
Strain - Pink Bubba

Mom - Low Price Bud

Smell - really strong nose to this stuff, the floral smell of pink kush mixed with the danky kush smell of the bubba is a great combo and definitely makes this strain easy to continue smelling over and over

Smoke - the smell carrie...
bos420·WeedPosters·1664d643 reviews
Strain - Dairy Queen

Mom - Weed Posters

Smell - pleasant nose, slight hints of vanilla with that classic cheese smell mixed in. Quite the nice smelling strain overall

Smoke - clean smoking strain, salt & pepper ash, fairly smooth stuff, slight oil ring, it burns a li...
bos420·WeedPosters·1665d643 reviews
Strain - Meat Breath #29

Mom - Weed Posters

Smell - by far one of my favorite smelling stains, always enjoy smelling meat breath, this one did not disappoint at all. Strong Montreal smoked meat smelling, once busted up the smell gets even more intense

Smoke - quite the sm...
bos420·WeedPosters·1665d643 reviews
Strain - Peanut Butter Breath #26

Mom - Weed Posters

Smell - strong nutty smell, definitely the closest smelling to peanut butter I’ve had of any PBB strain. Very strong nose and nice peanut scent to her

Smoke - clean burn, nice white ash, pleasant peanut taste on both ...
bos420·WeedCargo·1667d643 reviews
Strain - Khalifa Kush

Mom - Weed Cargo

Smell - nice and skunky/dank nose with a lemony citrus hint throughout each smell of this strain. 4th time having it and this is definitely no disappointment, this is

Smoke - super clean smoke, burns perfectly throughout an entire bl...
bos420·CannasseurNorth·1667d643 reviews
Strain - PB Souffle

Mom - Cannaseur North

Smell - decent smell, slightly nutty hint but nothing super overwhelming, fairly decent skunky earthy nose

Smoke - burns clean with white ash and a bit of grey, fairly smooth upon inhale/exhale, I find the pb taste translates more ...
bos420·KushStation·1678d643 reviews
Strain - Pine Tar

MoM - Kushstation

Smell - good pine smell mixed with that earthy scent

Smoke - fairly smooth stuff, slightly harsh around the end of the sesh and burned salt & pepper throughout

High - great daytime high I found, still left me productive and...
bos420·KushStation·1679d643 reviews
Awesome edibles, immediately busted open the chefs blue raspberry bottles and they were super soft and tasty AF. Great flavor to them and nicely dosed at 20mg a pop.
First time trying the Trippy Treats, they look like hard candies but they are surprisingly soft and squishy. I grabbed the Hawaiia...
bos420·KushStation·1679d643 reviews
Strain - Kings Candy

MoM - Kushstation

Smell - super dank gassy nose, this stuff reeks in a great way. The smell hit me as soon as I cracked the vac seal and it is stanky AF

Smoke - oil ring through the entire burn of a doob, clean even burn with a nice white ash, quite s...
bos420·GizmoCrafts·1692d643 reviews
Strain - Greasy Pink Bubba

MoM - Gizmo Crafts

Smell - nice danky kush smell with the nice floral smell of pink kush coming through, bagged and vac sealed inside the SG bag. Super fresh and cured to perfection!

Smoke - such a smooth smoke, smoothest pink strain that I’ve ...
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