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June 19, 2020


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mdr420in88·LowPriceBud·1809d93 reviews
V 9 Q 9

Made up of mostly smalls to medium with 2 big nugs in my bag, the smell is like a fruity skunky smell to me. Upon breaking up I get more citrus skunk like smell. The smoke itself was a treat being also citrus skunky taste at exhale with a nice decent buzz backing it up. Feeling a l...
mdr420in88·LowPriceBud·1809d93 reviews
V 9.5 Q 9.5 could be improved but quite solid for it’s price

Reeks of pungent diesel, this was a surprise. These 2 nugs make up the entire eighth I purchased. Weighing in at 4.18 (haha I wonder if they originally did 4.20) these were amazing to look at from certain angels with lots of cry...
mdr420in88·TogoWeed·1817d93 reviews
For something called pink, I notice the pink part mostly in the bud smell alone. Once you break it up their is a little more pink but with stronger gassy diesel notes that surprised me and it was a good surprise. The gassy diesel notes come into the taste also more than the pink.. was way better tas...
mdr420in88·TogoWeed·1817d93 reviews
V9 Q9

This one I was skeptical on ordering for awhile. First time seeing on the site I passed purchasing other products. Now I tried most stuff in my price range I figured why not and damn this blew me away with just the appeal and smell being all mixed from small to medium to large nugs. I...
mdr420in88·TogoWeed·1818d93 reviews
I’ll have one tonight, busy at work rn, sorry
mdr420in88·TogoWeed·1818d93 reviews
V9 Q 8

This stuff is really gassy that goes so well with the pine. I believe this is from their new batch. It’s a little leafy but around all that you can see the crystals. The smell is strong once you open the bag, you get blown in the face with such a good gassy smell. This dense bud wa...
mdr420in88·LowPriceBud·1818d93 reviews
The family loved this so much I just had to get more before I ran out. Stuff came Abit more moist compared to first time. I’d imagine that’s cause of the included Integra I found half way through the bag, so it sat it their almost a week. Hope I didn’t ruin it. Anyways I find this batch to be ...
mdr420in88·LowPriceBud·1820d93 reviews
This is a odd one for me, smells a little like blueberry’s and earthy. The appeal seems decent for a freebie and also potent looking. Upon busting up, earthy blueberry is stronger but not overwhelming. Now for the smoke it’s more earthy than anything else and the smoke is Abit harsh for somethin...
mdr420in88·LowPriceBud·1821d93 reviews
V 9 P 9

The smell on this one is quite intermixed, has this gassy pungent Kush smell to it being fresh and sticky. Upon busting up you get all that described with a hint of mint that’s overwhelmed with gassy kushy smell that is sweet intermixing together to create a unique smell and tast...
mdr420in88·CannaBudPost·1826d93 reviews
Stuff is awesome. A little leafy but that comes with the grade and price, plus most (not all) leafs are coated in crystals. This one has a strong nose and taste to it. Appeal was mostly medium with the big nugs squished and some small. Stuff is moist for sure, Everytime I dig in the bag aftering ope...
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