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July 6, 2020


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rustybong·HillSidePharms·1878d18 reviews
Some bud art for all you sticky nug lovers, first time trying this strain, only tried a small bud so far, think it will be a good day time strain as I seemed to be alert and energetic. Has a citrusy sweet kind of smell/taste buds are grown to perfection I’d say, got with Boxing Day sale along with...
rustybong·HillSidePharms·1878d18 reviews
Almost 8g this sticky piece of fine cheese provides an instant head buzz with body take over soon after followed by a zoned out trance making it very hard to type this. Bought on Boxing Day sale steal of a deal at 35 bucks potency keeps creeping up after two rips, boy did I miss this shit!
rustybong·Enigma Extracts·1900d18 reviews
Haha ya it is sticky a good clump came stuck together, strong pine smack you in the face, I love it
rustybong·HillSidePharms·1947d18 reviews
My top pick from my order of lemon bubba, amnesia haze, garlic breath and blood orange. Strong flavour and feel the effects instantly through the bong, like taking a shot haha
rustybong·GanjaGrams·1948d18 reviews
Ordered 14g of this, my first time trying Ganjagrams, haven’t tried this one in a bit so gave them a shot. Hempstar is my all time favourite sativa and what I look for in other sativas. It makes my body/muscles relax but able to move. keeps my mind clear and focused while still feeling baked if t...
rustybong·Enigma Extracts·1969d18 reviews
Haha couldn’t resist sharing, 14g of no description needed, minus one bud ;) sampling this and the icc in less than 24hours, thanks enigma wow!
rustybong·Enigma Extracts·1989d18 reviews
Glad I tried this one a nice hybrid, also the mk is very good
rustybong·HillSidePharms·2042d18 reviews
I have not had this strain in almost two years however this still brings me back. It has a different bud structure, denser and fatter nugs then I remember. Lots of people don’t seem happy but I’m glad I got a half before it’s gone. Sticky, stinky, smooth and a good energy sativa.
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