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August 3, 2021


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shhbb·Sauce House·1309d54 reviews
Really terpy stuff. To the point of having a separate terpene layer floating above crashed out sugary goodness. Not your generic old school honey oil. Probably be good for making your own carts. I've just been dabbing it straight or using it as a topper in my dynavap. Honestly as good or better...
shhbb·Sauce House·1667d54 reviews
Actually smells and tastes like tropical fruit. Nice clean dabs. Good potency. Glad I got some before it sold out.

Value: 9/10

Quality: 9/10
shhbb·Sauce House·1667d54 reviews
I like this stuff. Great nose and well cured. Light bordering on white ash. Dense small-medium sized buds. Good potency. Wish I had grabbed a full oz and not just a half.

Value: 9/10

Quality: 9/10
shhbb·TopShelfBC·1686d54 reviews
I’m a pretty big fan of zombie kush. This stuff was pretty light in the terp department but smoked pretty well with a decent burn. Potency is there but nothing off the charts. Over all not a bad addition to my mixed oz. Nothing I got from these guys really stood out as amazing but nothing was unp...
shhbb·GhostDrops·1700d54 reviews
Pretty tasty stuff if you’re into garlic terps. Good potency. Pretty substantial grease ring when smoked in a joint. Light gray ash. Enjoyable stuff. Only took 2 days from Ontario to Alberta.
shhbb·GhostDrops·1700d54 reviews
Extracted by Kind Selections. Tasty stuff. Just the terps I was looking for. Not as strong smelling or tasting as the red river garlic juice I had recently. Still a nice dab.
shhbb·GhostDrops·1700d54 reviews
Not the terpiest stuff. Great potency though. Dabs pretty smooth and is clean in the banger.
shhbb·TopShelfBC·1701d54 reviews
Tasty enough stuff. Smells almost like hubba bubba with a splash of grape/berry vibes. Ash is light grey with a bit of spottiness. Potency seems there but I’m pretty lit already. Wouldn’t call it AAAA- as listed on the website. Over all not bad considering the price of the mixed oz it came in bu...
shhbb·WeedPosters·1701d54 reviews
Bought on Canada Day with coupon code. Can’t complain for the price. Stunk up my kitchen when I opened the jar. Ash is pretty light. Decent enough smoke. They did forget to include the edibles for purchases over 200 but maybe the coupon code cancels it out. Not overly worried about it.
shhbb·Hystar·1755d54 reviews
Got this stuff on sale for $60/3g. Out of the 3 jars I got this one is my favourite. Great for the price. Potent and tasty. Smells great when you open the jar. Pretty happy with hystar. If this is par for the course with them I’d say these guys are a step above HVE. Definitely going to be lurking ...
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