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Same day delivery in the GTA. Points reward system $1 per $10
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Meow69·KronicKush·2132d15 reviews

ChronicKushCo Review

MOM Name:ChronicKushCo

Overall rating out of 10:9

Sign Up:Easy email them your ID before ordering or after you order

Ordering & Pricing:once again they always have really competitive pricing and the ordering is easy.

Communication:probably the most responsive and quic...
bluemoneyinc·KronicKush·2134d37 reviews

Chronickushco Master Og

Chronickushco GTA delivery got me hooked ! Holiday and all they come thru I’m about place another order for the grapefruit see what it about . Master og had proper nugs nice color to it weren’t dry for the price it’s a hitter I would say !
zagnutts·KronicKush·2144d2 reviews

Super Lemon Haze - Chronic Kush Co - Feb/19

Just arrived and I have an appointment, so I can’t try it yet, I will let us know when I do though.

For $130 inc delivery and it stated it as AA+, it looks and smells well worth it!
LikeTheWind33·KronicKush·2153d1 review

Orange Diesel | ChronicKushCo | January 2019

For $80/OZ, this stuff is great. The buds are mostly medium sized, the smell is very much the classic Diesel with a very light hint of citrus upon breaking it up in the grinder. Smokes good.
Meow69·KronicKush·2169d15 reviews

ChronicKushCo Review :)

MOM Name: Chronickushco

Overall rating out of 10:10/10

Sign Up:easy as ever. send them an email of your id and bam you are ready to go

Ordering & Pricing:ordering is insanely simple and the pricing is either better or on par with any other MOM

Communication:super fas...
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