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JGS7290·OnlyGas·499d54 reviews

Black Garlic - OnlyGas - 12/4/22

Haven’t picked up gear from OG in a minute, this half zip of Black Garlic was part of a recent drop listed for $60 and rated as AAA. I was pleasantly surprised by what I received. The flower exceed my expectations in just about every aspect. Packaging was adequate triple bagged vac sealed mylar ba...

Funky charms- onlygas- November

Funky charms.

I grabbed a half zip of these for $60.

The nugs are huge with a lovely lime green color and completely caked out. They also have some orange and purple hairs which stand out. The smell on this is mean, gives me a strong diesel vibe which seems to have slightly ...

Island pink smalls - Onlygas - November

Island pink smalls

A zip of these goes for $75

The buds were labeled as smalls but most of mine were medium sized. The nugs are EXTREMELY sticky with purple and orange hairs. The trim is a little poor but that can be Ignored with the way this bud smokes. It has a strong floral ...
Ok_Hearing5489·OnlyGas·522d26 reviews

Mandarin Kush - OnlyGas - November

Never tried this strain, wasn't expecting a whole lot but I'm pleasantly surprised. Really nice hybrid at 120/z
Neat foxtailed nugs, some big some small. Great head coverage and the dry/cure seems good, grinds up well and is sticky. Terps are really tasty , sweet mandarin/orange-peel wi...
bos420·OnlyGas·523d643 reviews

Space Zooties * Only Gas * November

Strain - Space Zooties

Visual/Texture - smaller buds that sport spade shaped statures. Hardened pebbles that are of a firm compact density requiring effort to pry open, and fluffing right up exiting the grinder. Surrounded by a bright neon green, gradually turning towards a dark emerald t...
1 · · ·3 4 5 6 7 · · ·104


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