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Khalifa mints smalls- onlygas- November

Khalifa mints smalls.

Paid $25 for 7g

These are also very good smalls. The nugs are extremely frosty as you can see and nugs were nice are sticky. The smell is strong and piney and has slight lemon and menthol undertones. It also tastes slightly minty and spicy at the same time...

Zookies smalls - ONLYGAS - October

Personal review of zookies smalls from onlygas.

Paid $225 for the QP

The nugs are nice and frosty and extremely sticky lmao. It has a nice floral dough-ish smell and tastes almost the same. The burn was pretty white ( I did not test it on a joint yet but it looked good on the b...
sanctified420·OnlyGas·546d91 reviews

Bulk Edibles - Onlygas - October

So this is my 3rd bag of these.

50x30mg gummy. I would say their dosage to be fairly accurate. I take 3-4 and my girlfriend takes 1-2.

I take 2 of these and I feel very relaxed. I'm a registered social worker. I deal with pretty fucked up traumatic stuff most days. On my ...
Ok_Hearing5489·OnlyGas·547d26 reviews

Wavy Gravy - OnlyGas - October

This is a little late as i don't think the strain is in stock anymore, but I've been liking it and its definitely unique with PBBxMeatbreath genetics. so i figure ill post anyways. Price was 125/z

Giant and weirdly structured nugs with nice heads, my zip was 5 of them. (the one in...
JGS7290·OnlyGas·550d54 reviews

Violet Fog #9 - OnlyGas - 10/15/22

Violet Fog #9 is one of I think around 11 phenos grown by brokekidgrows. OG grabbed this cut and a handful of others. I can safely say this is quality smoke despite the lack of terps. Bag appeal is off the chains, truly stunning buds. Great uniform and consistent shape, colours are deep purple and ...
1 · · ·5 6 7 8 9 · · ·104


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