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The Chron Father Co. All flowers from chronfather’s farm are premium quality and guaranteed fresh
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rycore03·TheChronFather·1242d9 reviews

The One - tcf - october

purchased from the chrondaddy for 165/oz sourced from gastown. buds are mostly medium size with a couple small and large buds in the mix. buds are fresh and sticky and range in colors. cure is great smokes well and has salt and pepper ash. ordered sunday night by monday night had not received a trac...

Deep Breath — TheChronFather — October.2021

Deeeeep Breath

All buds were good average size, listed as mediums which was fair as hell for the price. No small nugs at all and no shake, which I always like because as long as it’s over 28 gs he will send it out lol. Some moms seem like they will crack a nug or throw in pebbles to get...
ryzea·TheChronFather·1243d23 reviews

3 in the Pink - TheChronfather - October 2021

Saw this pop up on the drop last week and had to pickup an ounce to see if it was worth the $3000/pound price tag lol. Pretty sure this is the most expensive flower TCF has ever listed. Anyway, the flower looked and smelled great upon open the mylar. Pretty unique terps honestly, think it’s a pink...

Tony Montana Kush (Mints?) - rainz - the chronfather - Oct 2021

Meat Breath — TheChronFather — October.2021

MEAT Breath ?

Another crazy drop from TCF, so of course I had to take a peek (Too much to choose from lol) I’m still fucking with the Stankasaurus super hard.. That’s why when I saw this strain it caught my eye. Just having “meat” in the name made me wanna try it out. Got this and...
1 · · ·63 64 65 66 67 · · ·207


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