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The Chron Father Co. All flowers from chronfather’s farm are premium quality and guaranteed fresh
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Spocks-Nephew·TheChronFather·1246d21 reviews

Sugarcane-TheChronfather-September 2021

This is a sativa dominant hybrid (60/40) that looks and tastes great. A cross of Platinum Cookies and Slurricane ( probably) , this creates a very smooth vape , starting at 180c in Mighty. The flavour is unlike anything I have ever tasted. It’s sweet and very spicy, no doubt owing to the presence...
JGS7290·TheChronFather·1248d54 reviews

Slurrmints - TCF - 23/9/21

Taste: Citrus, Sweet, Creamy, Lemon, Yogurt Smell: Sweet, Lemon, Yogurt, Sour Cure/Trim: Dense, Small to Medium sized buds. Well trimmed. Bag Appeal: Frosty buds with lime green hues and streaks of purple hidden underneath a dense blanket of trichomes. Pistils short and stubby but relatively abunda...
John·TheChronFather·1249d1 review

Decent weed garbage service

I dont care if the ignorant fk sells decent weed. His customer service is the worst u will ever deal with. Why give the cum bucket ur hard earned money?. Way better options out there with better service. Tard is an Info Collector!!
Would never buy off him again and talking to others they feel th...
Killahbeez·TheChronFather·1249d1 review

Piss poor customer service

Like everyone says regardless of the weed which yea $600 quad seeds or DMO rated quad, tastes like shit looks like shit aaa at best. Giving you popcorn in your quads when paying full price. Like get Fkd. Piss poor butt hurt child when it comes to customer service. What a joke the clown. Never give t...

Trophy Wife — TheChronFather — September.2021

Throphy Wife

Got this about a month and a bit ago and had it sitting with bovedas since! Knew this baby would perk up perfectly after that!

Seen this reviewed very well in the past, bought this off of a Spocky mane review actually! I’ll keep it short since you all know this...
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