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April 18, 2023


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6ixchronic·LowPriceBud·1755d117 reviews
One of best smokes I have had ever. Really potent heavy gassy indica. Those gasleaks strains are perfection.
Quality 10/10. Value 10/10
6ixchronic·TheChronFather·1755d117 reviews
Pungent grapey and cakey aroma. Terps overload. Great value with bulk options. Quality 9/10 Value 9/10
6ixchronic·TheCannaSociety·1766d117 reviews
*free sample

Great nose and appeal. Very fresh with good moisture. Really danky and sticky. High potency.

Quality 8.510
Value 8/10 144/oz with 20% discount applied
6ixchronic·TheCannaSociety·1767d117 reviews
*note - free sample

The sample came pretty dry. Could have been a factor contributing to the harshness and unpleasant piney flavour. The smoke was thick and heavy with sweet earthy tones. Pretty good potency.

Quality 6
Value 5
6ixchronic·TheCannaSociety·1768d117 reviews
* note: received as free sample.

Fresh with good moisture , pungent nose, sweet, sativa fruity, zesty and tangy. Quite sticky. Mild flavour compared to the nose. flavour more enjoyable in vaporizer
Quality 7/10
Value 7/10 priced at 128/oz with 20% off coupon
6ixchronic·TheCannaSociety·1771d117 reviews
Very nice looking sativa. Great first smoke of the day. Very fresh and pungent even as a small sample. Citrousy sweet, hazy flavour. High energy effectives that made me quite talkative.
Quality 8/10
Value 7/10
6ixchronic·TheCannaSociety·1772d117 reviews
Was kindly offered a sample pack by Mark from the Canna Society. The rating is reflective of the price listed on site ($140/oz)
Quality 7
Value 6.5

Dense 1.3g nug. Gassy, kushy, skunky aroma and flavour. Flavour pretty generic but smoke is heavy. Salt and pepper ash with some slight...
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