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February 3, 2018


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AdeleExarchopoulos·Weedbay·2586d9 reviews
Well it’s nice for the price anyways.
Excellent potency, looks nice,mostly mid-smaller size buds but thats not a problem. Smells nice but not super loud. Excellent quality for the sale price and worth the original $179
Potency is pretty good. Excellent kushy taste
Potency is alright nothing amazing but for the price its pretty good
84/g would be pretty pricey lol
AdeleExarchopoulos·JJMeds·2644d9 reviews
Bonus mystery sample :
It’s pretty good halfway through my bowl and I’m feeling good. Has a decent smell nothing too noticeable. Ash is white
Haven’t tried it yet unfortunately. Buds have a nice feel to them quite dense. Has bit of a mild smell.
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