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April 12, 2021


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bassdrop30·Gas Garden·1774d96 reviews

Gifted by GG as this batch isnt up to par with their standards, and it still smokes better than most mom quads. Bag appeal is where this was most affected IMO, because potency is right where Watermelon should be, maybe a little more muted on the nose than th...
bassdrop30·WTFCannabis·1781d96 reviews
Big euphoria up front leading to nice muscle relaxation, no sleepiness. Tastes like a good cookies cross with some slight citrus and pepper. Burns slightly dark grey, but ash is smooth and gives nice oil rings, cure is on point as well. Def worth their asking price. Received as a free sample.
bassdrop30·WTFCannabis·1782d96 reviews
Again burns clean and thick oil rings, this one knocked me tf out. Nose on this one is louder than the rest, kush and algae like any proper BFT. Cure is on point, and again, price point for this stuff is super reasonable.
bassdrop30·WTFCannabis·1782d96 reviews
Burns with thick oil rings, smooth ash, potent hybrid with big euphoria up front. Nose is a little muted but the cure and potency is on point. More pics to come but these guys are going to make a mess at the price they are selling their flower.
bassdrop30·LowPriceBud·1796d96 reviews
I was not expecting this to be so potent. Cure could be better, terps a little muted for a cheesy citrus strain, but all in all, great smoke. I feel lost, disoriented, happy and energetic.
bassdrop30·Harmonized Hemp·1823d96 reviews
Sticky and dank. Made the mistake of trying this in the early afternoon, spent a few hours going in and out of sleep. Potent for sure.
bassdrop30·Harmonized Hemp·1823d96 reviews
Not what I had ordered, was pissed, but this is some dank ass flower. Dough terps for days, always a little sativa-leaning for me, burns clean. Still a bit pissed they sent me this instead of the Doppler ICC though
bassdrop30·LowPriceBud·1824d96 reviews
Reports on this were generally on point. Bag appeal is legit, smokes great, buds are dense and thick heavy smoke. Just not sleep-inducing like I would have liked. Good couch lock, but not a sleep aid
bassdrop30·Sacred Gardens·1824d96 reviews
From Sacred’s trips menu, I’m enjoying this more than most of their craft/quads. Not their biggest fan, but this batch is killer.
Trending #2
·1831d96 reviews
Quality 7 value 8

Decent smoke, nice potency, classic Violator nose. Have had better cheaper but still a good pickup for a powerful indica
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