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February 20, 2020


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Fecalunderubush·OkanaganGreen·1829d11 reviews

Quality 7/10

Basically what I would expect from violator. Nice and earthy with an hint if lime. The buzz is nice after a few bowls I feel pretty relaxed. It’s a little dry, but nothing a jar and bovada cant fix.
Fecalunderubush·Sunset BC·1936d11 reviews
Huge diamonds I this jar. Still a good layer of terps, #2 was labelled extra saucy. Smells is overpowering as soon as you open the jar. The taste is your typical fcgsc, sweet and strangely doughy. Pretty potent after taking a dab I dodnt get my tracking number, I emailed them this morning and got b...
Fecalunderubush·TFCannabis·2216d11 reviews
Very low viscosity on this one. Tiny tiny grains of thca throughout the terps, picture doesnt show it well but you can see the separation in the jar when looking at the side. Insane tropical terps that leave me drooling after every dab. Unfortunately this jar is now empty but was one of the most fla...
Lemon lime/pepper terps, very balanced high. Saw some other people say it’s there favorite flower of 2018 and I would have to agree.
Fecalunderubush·JJMeds·2272d11 reviews
I havent tried it yet but it smells amazing. this was my first time ordering from them and was pleased with the experiance except for they put it as signature required without my requesting. Luckily I got home from work early today and was able to sign. Easily fixable by just requesting for no sign ...
Smells and tastes woody with a hint of vanilla. This stuff is pretty potent, I dont smoke flower often and was feeling great after a joint and a half.
There’s some major shillage going down lately post isn’t even up for a minute and already has a downvote. Regardless very stable shatter tastes pungent with a slight citrus end to it.
Such a tasty concentrate. Strong tropical fruit flavour, melts clean and is very smooth going down.
Always great products from bhothority. This is a perfect mix of diamonds and terps, tastes very sweet and grapey.
Fecalunderubush·OkanaganGreen·2375d11 reviews
Very pleased with this stuff. I got the hindu hte/hce from highgrade as well and the terps are great on both, amazing for the price.
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