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September 3, 2021


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Satchmocoltrane·OnlyGas·1280d28 reviews
THIS ISN’T INCENTIVIZED. I purchased this plain and simple because I was curious after seeing all the reviews on here.

Packaging: standard. Cardboard box with double vac sealed bag inside. Flower was in black bag with the name of written on it; no Boveda.

Flower: in the loo...
Satchmocoltrane·BudMail·1541d28 reviews
I’ve had this one before about a year ago now. Missed out on a drop of it during the summer but snagged another tin during the Black Friday sales.

This was one of my favourite tins from Skookum alongside the Do-Si-Do. The look, nose, high and taste are all on point with this stuff. ...
Satchmocoltrane·BudMail·1542d28 reviews
This one gets pretty low marks from me. Disappointing trim job on some of the bigger buds as well as some random relatively untrimmed popcorn in my tin.

When paying a premium one would expect a premium product – looks, taste, smell and high. This stuff did not deliver in the looks depa...
Satchmocoltrane·BudMail·1544d28 reviews
Picked this one up as my last purchase over the Black Friday weekend sales, actually snuck it in right under the wire. Super “on a whim” purchase just so I could have a decent stock on hand for the holiday season.

Cracked the tin and was instantly impressed. Packed completely full o...
Satchmocoltrane·BudMail·1555d28 reviews
Thanks! KC’s was really good too! I’ve bought it three or four times from them. The last batch I got was in the summer (July, I think) and it just didn’t seem the same. Burned black, the nose was off and the taste wasn’t as pronounced. Figured it might just be a bad batch which is why when t...
Satchmocoltrane·BudMail·1563d28 reviews
For me it was vice versa - the nose was strong but the taste was just not a match. Same with the Hidden Pastry #8 I got a couple weeks back.
Satchmocoltrane·BudMail·1563d28 reviews
Previous to this the only Apple Pie I had tried was Hierbas which I enjoyed but wasn’t blown away by. This stuff is replacing Astro Boy as my favourite Skookum sativa.

When I cracked the tin I was greeted with a bounty of beautiful deep green buds with tons of red hair and a smell of p...
Satchmocoltrane·BudMail·1570d28 reviews
Yeah, that was my first experience with it when I got it via the tin series. The bag stuff was better but it’s still definitely not in my top 5 (maybe even 10)
Satchmocoltrane·BudMail·1570d28 reviews
This one is a hit for me. Top marks for visuals, nose and smoke/ taste.

Beautiful buds with hues of dark greens, purples and orange hairs. The smell coming from the jar is a mix of chocolate, earth and cake. All the buds are medium sized. No huge nuggets or popcorn. All relatively unifor...
Satchmocoltrane·BudMail·1571d28 reviews
Damn, this stuff is a winner for me. Absolutely love the look, smell, taste and stone that I get from this tin series strain.

Upon cracking the tin you get a nice nose of sour berry and kush with just a hint of gas. The buds themselves don’t look absolutely spectacular but present a ni...
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