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March 8, 2022


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mikanismable·HighGradeAid·1091d67 reviews
My Incentive: $25 + free shipping on order over 100$

I got this PGSCR on sale for $36/quarter. It came with pretty large to medium buds with a nice colors of purple and orange leaves. It has a prominent nose of diesel, gas, and flower. Spongy to the touch that could use a bit better trim....
mikanismable·WeedPosters·1102d67 reviews
Not Incentivized.

WSD is a hybrid cross of Blissful Wizard and Sundae Driver. WP has been putting out some wizard strains lately and wanted to try this strain so bad. My quarter came in the usual glass container (which I love) that was about mostly medium nugs. When I opened it, my initia...
mikanismable·HighGradeAid·1103d67 reviews
My Incentive: $25 off + free shipping on next order over $100

Cookies Grower: Dosi Mac, AAAA

This one is an indica-dom cross of MAC 1 and DoSiDos. I got this at $44/Q or $6.29/gram. Their intro sale is always worth when trying their new quad offers, so I did just that with this...
mikanismable·HighGradeAid·1115d67 reviews
My Incentive: $25 plus free shipping on my next order over 100

Mother's Milk is a sativa-dom cross of Nepali OG and Appalachia, rated AAAA for $87/ho or $168/o on sale. After seeing a couple of positive reviews from this sub, I decided to buy a half of this second batch restock.
mikanismable·HighGradeAid·1124d67 reviews
My Incentive: $25 off + free shipping on next order over $100

My order came very fast, and arrived on time, just like always with HGA. As for the strain review:
1) Death Greasy (DG), AAAA-
DG is a cross of Death Bubba, and Grease Monkey - two strains I am very familiar of and ...
mikanismable·HighGradeAid·1133d67 reviews
My Incentive: $25 + free shipping on next order over $100

This is my first time trying this grower and this strain. My package arrived Sunday morning suddenly and was surprised as CP stopped doing weekend deliveries (I guess not). This was rated as AAAA and for 45/7g, it was a steal. The ...
mikanismable·JJMeds·1142d67 reviews
My Incentive: $15 off coupon on my next order

This PK was only $69/o and was a little sketched in ordering it. After a couple of positive reviews, I decided to just go for it when there was only 2 left in stock. I'm so glad I jumped the gun because this was a steal of a deal. I just w...
mikanismable·Enigma Extracts·1145d67 reviews
My Incentive: $25 off and free shipping on next order

Enigma Extract's Ghost Train Haze (GTH) is a sativa-dominant cross of Ghost OG and Neville's Wreck. This will be my second time trying EE, and second time trying GTH. I bought 2 eights for $56 because I have been dying to try E...
mikanismable·HighGradeAid·1158d67 reviews
My Incentive: $25 off on next order over $100

Platinum Bubba Smalls/Popcorn, rated AAAA-, is $55/h.o. After 6 days in the BC Warehouse due to holidays, it finally came to me this morning. The buds came smalls as expected, but it was really dry, stemmy and leafy. I have put it on lock (aft...
mikanismable·JJMeds·1169d67 reviews
My Incentive: $15 off coupon

Sticky Cookies x Death Bubba (SCDB) is an indica cross of Sticky Buns, Cookies, and Death Bubba. For 59/ounce+20 shipping, this product was a steal! Advertised as a AAAA, SCDB came to me fresh, sticky, and big buds. Has a distinct LOUD smell of bubba (piney, ...
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