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StormCrow·KronicKush·2579d2 reviews

Chronic Kush... my 1st review

Chronic Kush


Fast and easy:

Easy, add to cart everything done automatic:

Amazing, above notch with follow up emails to make sure of satisfaction:

Met in person, was still vac sealed in bubbler:

Purple Trainwreck $172 oz, Black Diamond $172 oz, ...
StonerSteve64·KronicKush·2583d474 reviews

Grand Daddy Purple Vape pen and THC Distillate - Chronic Kush - February 2018
Lemon-Skunk·KronicKush·2583d9 reviews

Chronic Kush Co - Purple Trainwreck (sample) reg172/oz

Seen it reviewed a lot on here, Purple trainwreck is actually a pretty decent smoke, very smooth and has the purple flavour (purple is more of a flavour than the colour of the bud, am I right?). High isn’t necessarily too strong, but a good smoke nonetheless. Ties for best strain I got (with gori...
Lemon-Skunk·KronicKush·2583d9 reviews

Chronic Kush Co - MK Ultra (sample) reg158/oz

Really enjoyed the high of this one, I don’t really smoke high CBD weed often and this one sure got me blitzed. First time I had it was a while after the lemon haze so I can’t really say if the haze effects added to that any or if was all the MK. Smoked it a second time,for anxiety (it helped) w...
Lemon-Skunk·KronicKush·2583d9 reviews

Chronic Kush Co - Black Diamond (sample) 172/oz

Definitely black diamond flavour and smell, more solid nugs than I have gotten ever before of this strain. I enjoyed the high, nothing couch-lock about it.
1 · · ·40 41 42 43 44


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